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USC professor suspended due to racist accusations using Chinese word
USC Professor Suspended Over Chinese “N-Word”
USC professor placed on leave for using Chinese expression that sounds
USC Professor Fired over Chinese word sounding like racial slur
USC Suspends Prof For Explaining a Mandarin Word That SOUNDS Like an English Racial Slur
Teacher Suspended for Mispronouncing Word - Students Pretend to Be Offended and Devastated at Word
Couple Defends USC Professor Greg Patton for perfect pronunciation of Chinese N-bomb Nei Ge
We support Prof. Patton of USC |Some words in langugaes that sound bad in others.
Did That USC Professor Actually Say the N-Word? | The Daily Social Distancing Show (Reaction)
Language Professor Put On Leave After Students Get Offended Over Chinese Word Sounding Like N-word
Warning signs: Student threatened USC professor more than a year before killing him
Alleged Racial Incident At USC